brian: help yourself. there is soap, shampoo and conditioner for you.
dario: i don\'t use hair conditioner, just shampoo.
brian: you should try the conditioner - it will help make your hair healthier.
【记】和daily(ad. 每天)一起记
《笨拙》 (Punch): (不错的漫画类杂志)
Are there any free gift products or samples?
【例】They calculated the length of triangle sides. 他们计算出了三角形边的长度。
The great thing is to show willing; whether you succeed or not does not matter.
【搭】food without additives 不含添加剂的食品
【例】The hypothesis was substantiated soon afterward by the discovery. 这个假设很快被这个发现证实了。
This generation gap influences an enormous number of things, from attitudes toward the pace of modern life (unsettling to some and bracing to others) to viewsof China\'s place in the world.
【例】Human population near the equator have evolved dark skin over many generations because of exposure to the fiercest rays of the sun. 由于暴露在最强烈的日光下,赤道附近的人们经过很多代人的演化有了深色的皮肤。
【例】The two traditional methods can be used alternately during the manufacturing process. 这两种传统办法可以在生产过程中交替使用。
brian: help yourself. there is soap, shampoo and conditioner for you.
dario: i don\'t use hair conditioner, just shampoo.
brian: you should try the conditioner - it will help make your hair healthier.
mold [mold] n. 霉菌(fungus);模型(type)vt. 塑造(shape, figure)
【例】Those companies rely on highaccuracy scales to manufacture and package medicine. 这些公司依靠高精度秤来生产和包装药品。//Automobile manufacturers are under pressure to develop cars that do not pollute. 汽车制造商们正面临着开发无污染汽车的压力。
friction [frkn] n. 摩擦;冲突(clash, conflict)