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最后更新:2025-02-07 18:50:36        浏览次数:501        返回列表







['ktigri]n. 种类;类别

['sm]n. 哮喘症

To act crazy and mess up; to make a fool of oneself.

Some companies found speculating in the market more profitable than investing in new machinery.

[krkt'ristik]n. 特性;特征;a. 特有的;典型的

Not only is he interested in the subject but also all his students are beginning to show interested in it.

第二章 动词时态

I feel more comfortable hanging out with my small band of pals, and I know I can be myself and I trust them all implicitly.

【记】联想记忆:来自casual(a. 偶然的)


breed from ... 是…所生,由…培养出来

【派】combination(n. 结合)


B; so, 1,2 and 3 are prime numbers, but 4 isn’t because 2*2=4.

A: exactly. Anything else?

B; how many seconds in an hour? 60 seconds multiplied by 60 minutes equals 3600 seconds altogether.

A: you’ll be a mathematician one day.

A: which sports are popular in your country?

B: most people like football. More boys like football than girls. A few girls play it really well. Some people like playing basketball.

A: do many people like tennis?

B: more and more people like it now. fewer people play table tennis than before. Many people like swimming, because it is fun and keeps you fit.

A: in my country, many people enjoy golf, but it is too expensive for some people. A few people like extreme sports, but I think the vast majority of people are afraid to try them.

B: extreme sports are only for a small minority of people. Several people from my university enjoy them, but most of us just watch. No one I know plays golf.

A: I know loads of people who play it regularly. There are plenty of golf courses around the country. In the past, only a tiny number of people played.

B: a great deal of people follow rugby in my country.

A: there are plenty of rugby fans in my country too.

A: what do we need to get from the supermarket?

B: we need lots of things. I’ll make a list. We need a bag of sugar, a loaf of bread and a crate of beer.

A: a crate of beer? Why do we need that?

B: just joking. I would like to get a few bottles of beer though. We also need a liter of cooking oil.

A: we can buy a three-liter bottle. It works out cheaper per liter. We should buy a packet of butter and a few pints of milk too.

B: I’d like to get a jar of strawberry jam and a bottle of tomato ketchup. Do we need any meat?

我们知道,英语中的动词有时态变化,在英语新闻标题中也不例外。但由于新闻标题必须言简意赅,不可能采用英语的完整时态形式来浓缩新闻事实。为此,新闻标题形成了自身独有的时态特点,以达到使动词既传神达意又具时间感的目的。英文报刊的新闻标题中一般不用过去时态,当然更不用过去完成时等时态,而采用现在时态,使读者阅报时有如置身于这条新闻事件中之感觉,这叫做“新闻现在时”(journalistic presenttense),与文学写作中的“历史现在时”(historical present tense)实际上完全一样。所以,英语新闻标题中常用的动词时态主要有三种:一般现在时、将来时和现在进行时。现分述如下:



①They are reviewing their lessons in the bright light.

【例】There is only anecdotal evidence of lifeon Mars. 火星上存在生命仅仅是传言。







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