【搭】freeze over (水池、湖等)结冰;freeze up (机器、引擎中的水)结冰(使机器无法工作)
render [rendr] vt. 给予(give);致使(cause)
对于体育话题的总结和练习,短期可能是为了取得良好的考试成绩,长期来说则是为了在国内或者国外更好的融入英语语言国家的社会生活, 结交更多朋友,进而体会更多国外文化。
impending [mpendalt] a. 即将发生的;迫近的
precipitate [prsptet] vt. 促成(cause);降水 vi. 猛地落下
【记】词根记忆:epi(在…周围)+dem(人民)+ic →在人民周围→流行
have to be checked daily to make sure they are groomed probably. 所有的道路都得每天检查,确保其已清理整洁。
【派】location(n. 位置;场所)
dario: hey brian, do you mind if i have a shower?
brian: sure - do you feel too hot?
dario: i have just finished a game of basketball and i want to freshen up.
【搭】look forward to sth. / doing 期盼…
狗有时会对着月亮吠叫,借以吓唬月亮,可是无论它再怎么凶猛咆哮都只是白费力气而已。后来人们就用bay the moon或bark at the moon来比喻“空嚷,徒劳,无事空扰”。
9 .We have won praise from customers.
【搭】international trade 国际贸易;the drug trade 毒品交易;the slave trade 奴隶贸易;make a trade 做交易;restraint of trade 贸易管制
【例】A: I just got this car and already it's falling apart. First, one of the door handles fell off and now the inside light won't go on when you open the door.
hike [hak] v. / n. 徒步旅行(walkabout);远足
7 .We take customers as our Gods.