['dpt]vt. 采用,采取;收养
【例】Our neighbor's dog barks constantly. 邻居家的狗总是叫个不停。//Almost all the trees of the surrounding forest were flattened, and their branches and bark ripped off by the shock wave of the explosion from the erupting volcano. 火山喷发引起爆炸,爆炸带来的巨浪将周围的树林夷为平地,树枝和树皮也剥落下来。
【例】Once in higher education, you can apply for a loan at any time in the academic year. 进入高校以后,你就可以在学年内的任何时间申请贷款。
I have just bought my first computer, and love to look for exciting web sites that I have not known before.
【例】When you leave the house, make sure the windows and doors are shut, and set the burglar alarm. 当你离开房子时,务必关好门窗,并打开防盗报警器。
【例】The street is blocked off because workers are laying telephone cable. 因为工作人员正在铺设电话线,所以这条街被封锁了。
supa (n)
[sait]vt. 引用;引证
【例】Smoking can cause problems such as pneumonia, bronchitis and influenza. 吸烟能引起肺炎、支气管炎和流行性感冒等疾病。
[bi'jnd]prep. 超出
Overall . as wealth decreased, the percentage of students' spending on non-essential items went down.
When Samuel Morse established the first commercial telegraph, in 1844, hedramatically changed our expectations about the pace of life.