infest [nfest] vt. 骚扰;大批滋生
She doesn’t know anyone here. She has got no one to talk to.她里人也不认识;她人谈话。
【例】All the statues along the road seems perfectly designed for thegrand religious perception the local people often had there. 路旁所有的雕像似乎完全是为迎合当地人拥有的宏大宗教观念而设计的。
sphere [sfr] n. 球(体)(ball, globe)
neoclassical [nioklskl] a. 新古典主义的
【例】The New World butterflies make up the preponderance of examples because they are the most familiar species. 在这些标本中新大陆的蝴蝶占多数,因为它们是最为人所熟知的物种。
【例】The forward movement of a small animal is seriously reduced by the air friction. 小动物向前的运动因受到空气的摩擦而减缓。
【例】The Anasazi family was matrilinear, that is, descent was tracedthrough the female. 阿那萨奇人的家庭是母系家庭,也确是说通过女性来传宗接代。//Scientists believe that when the oceans were young, they contained only a trace of salt. 科学家们认为,海洋在刚形成的时候只包含少量的盐分。
【例】The ornaments on the Christmas tree shined and sparkled. 圣诞树上的装饰品闪闪发光。
elegant [elnt] a. 雅致的,高雅的
B: Yes, they'd be in the sportswear department at the back of the store.
His doctrine contained nothing novel .
specialize [spelaz] v. 专攻;使专用于
B。语气之战 但是仅仅这样还是不够的,考生通常都会想,"我写点利,写点弊,利写多点不就完了。
bounce [bans] v. / n. (使)弹,(使)反弹