1、专业的教师团队,掌握前沿的教学方法 2、教学经验丰富,善于激发学生的潜能 3、善于带动学员融入情景体验式课堂
Salesgirl:They are very nice, you know.
Salesgirl:And not expensive either?.
Steve:Oh, I don’t care about that.
Salesgirl:Everybody’s buying them.
Steve:Are they?
Salesgirl:Yes, they are very fashionable, you see.
Steve:I’m afraid I’m not interested in? fashion. There are so many other really important things in the world. Fashion seems so truly…unimportant.
brainstorming 和outlining的重要性在这里就不多说明了,在课堂上我们已经重复过多次原因和如果brainstorming以及outlining。
【搭】string music 弦乐队
overcharge [ovrtrd] v. 讨价过高,索价过高;使过量装填;渲染,夸张 n. 过高的要价;过重的负担;超载
Sometimes they may think more, connect their real world experience to their schoolwork and thus improve their efficiency.
vague [ve] a. 模糊的(obscure)
gym [dm] n. 健身房;体育馆
【搭】develop film 冲照片
【例】The story emphasized the courage of one man made him a hero in our history books. 我们历史书中的这个故事强调了一个人的勇气能使其成为英雄。
【记】来自finance(n. 财政)
【例】The small group of the survivors was to become a vigorous, selfsustaining island population. 这一小群幸存者成为了岛屿上精力充沛、自给自足的居民。
There are three things which the public will always clamour for sooner or later,namely,novelty,novelty,novelty.
【派】suburban(a. 郊外的,偏远的);suburbanite(n. 郊区居民);suburbanization(n. 近郊化;郊区建造)
A: I noticed you haven't been getting along well with your roommate lately.