1、专业的教师团队,掌握前沿的教学方法 2、教学经验丰富,善于激发学生的潜能 3、善于带动学员融入情景体验式课堂
12. I was warned not to be late. 我被告之不要迟到。
【例】Those people were quite content to reunion in the more sumptuous, single-family homes. 这些人颇满足于在更华丽的独户住房重聚。
作为一种快速寻找信息的阅读技巧,寻读既要求速度,又要求寻读的准确性。具体地说,寻读带有明确的目的性,有针对性地选择问题的答案。因此,可以把整段整段的文字直接映入大脑,不必字字句句过目。视线在印刷材料上掠过时,一旦发现有关的内容,就要稍作停留,将它记住或摘下,既确保寻读的速度,又做到准确无误,所以寻读技巧也很有实用价值。 寻读与略读不同。略读时,读者事先对材料一无所知,而寻读则是读者对材料有所了解的情况下进行的。例如,寻读电话号码簿,读者知道受话人的姓名,还知道电话号码簿是按姓的字母顺序排列的。这样,在寻找Jackson的电话时,就可以利用书页上方的标识词,再按姓的字母顺序很快翻到以J开头的书页,从而找到 Jackson名下的电话页码。
Topic Sentence主旨句 + Detail细节,这两个要素加起来就是标准学术论文体的"TS+D段落结构"。
10. It hasn’t been made clear when the new road is open to traffic. 新路什么时候通车还没有宣布。
cushion [kn] n. 垫子(pillow) v. 缓冲(to protect against force or shock)
【例】She's annoyed with the man. 她在生这个男人的气。
【例】The students in the laboratory helped sweep up the glass. 实验室里的学生帮着把玻璃擦干净了。
friend, `living in a poor room like this.
\"Oh no.\" said the student, \"I am busy with my
studies and I\'m not interested in my room.
\"But you only cat plain rice - you don\'t have money for
anything tasty \"
\"Yes, it\'s true, I eat only plain rice. But the
delicious smells that come from the kitchen make thc rice very tasty indeed.
The pace of life is different in my front room than it is in an office.
【派】comprehensible(a. 可理解的);comprehensive(a. 全面的;综合的)
【例】A: Where have you been? I was just about to give up on you.
longitude [lndtud] n. 经度
They held a meeting yesterday. → A meeting was held by them yesterday.
dario: hey brian, do you mind if i have a shower?
brian: sure - do you feel too hot?
dario: i have just finished a game of basketball and i want to freshen up.