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最后更新:2025-01-19 11:58:12        浏览次数:832        返回列表






Many people let themselves be influenced by what happens to them, like Hamlet, and these people have difficulty finding happiness.




(D)are not highly motivated or at least moderately intelligent

(B)speeds as high as

准确的计算公式是:感受力+(预见性 - 惊喜)+(旋律的影响力)+(有节奏的重复x 1.5)=抓耳歌曲。



The finals are going to begin soon and the players are intensifying their training.



We were talking about the Civil War and the abolition of slavery. I was well prepared, of course. I knew all about the Battle of Antietam and the Battle of Bentonville, I could find the battlefields on a map and tell you how many people had died. I raised my hand to give an answer and Mr. Blumgarden called on me. After I had answered, he asked me another question. But this was an unusual question. He asked me what I thoughtsoldiers on both sides thought about what they were fighting for. After that other people chimed in. And the class began to discuss the beliefs of both sides, the reason they went to war, and what might have happened if the other side had won. And I kept raising my hand, not to show how much I knew but, for once, because I was really interested.

The new arrival was a daughter .

\"Well, my goodness!\" exclaimed the third woman. \"I\'m certainly glad I don\'t have any problems like that\" -- and she knocked on wood. \"Oh,\" she said, standing up out of her chair. \"there\'s someone at the door.\"

5.once in a blue moon极为罕见;难得有一次

这个俗语的真正意思很难从它的字面上去猜测。据观测,在一定条件下,当大气中含有一定数量的、大小合适的微尘时,月亮就会呈深蓝色。月亮呈深蓝色这种现象比较罕见,因为人们夜间在户外活动的时间大大少于白昼,再加之微尘的扬起夜间少于白天。根据月亮出现的这一罕见现象,人们便用once in a blue moon表示“极为罕见,千载难逢”等义。

(D)was swimming so slowly that her coaches thought she was


LH: Larry, 这间公寓简直太理想了。两个卧室,一个大厨房,后面居然还有个小院子。我看就是它吧!

LL: Yeah, I know. And best of all, the second bedroom will be a great place for me to keep my collection of Chia pets.

LH: 你心里只有你那些草头娃娃!不过话说过来了,这是你办公室附近的一家高档公寓楼,你也没有别的选择。

LL: Shhh! Don\'t let the landlord hear that I don\'t have any other options. I don\'t want to tip my hand when we negotiate over the price.

LH: Tip? 难道租房子还要给房东小费吗?

LL: No no, tip my hand. When you tip your hand, it means that you give someone else secret information.

LH: 我明白了,tip your hand是露底牌的意思。你是怕房东知道你没有其它选择,在租金上就会狮子大开口。所以你不愿意tip your hand,让他知道你的底细。

LL: Exactly. You can remember it by thinking about playing cards. If you tip your hand forward so that other people can see your cards, you give the other players an advantage.

LH: 对啊,打牌的时候一定要拿好自己的牌,让别人看见了你的牌,还能不输?哦,怪不得我老输。一定是你偷看我的牌。

LL: Say, what are you going to get me for a house-warming present? Maybe that new Barack Obama Chia pet that just came out?

LH: 你别想套我的话,暖房的礼物要给你个惊喜,我绝对不会提前tip my hand.

LL: Fair enough.But just in case you were wondering what I want, I\'ll tip my hand a little bit and tell you that I love Chia pets, and I also love Barack Obama. 更多信息请访问:

LH: 我就知道你看中了新上市的奥巴马草头娃娃。说正经的,这公寓的问题就是租金太贵。你老板最近会给你涨工资吗?

LL: Well I asked my boss for a big raise last week, but so far she hasn\'t said whether she will accept my offer. I bet if I threaten to quit she will be forced to tip her hand.

LH: 你可千万要三思而行。你要是真丢了饭碗,就别想住进这样的“豪华”公寓了!

(C)Using methods that were often unorthodox, the Internet startup, in quickly making its






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