【例】These oversize clumsy cars would slow down traffic. 这些体形大而笨拙的汽车会减缓交通的速度。
['dv:s]a. 不利的,有害的
1/2a/one half
【例】We must keep fully alert. 我们必须保持高度警惕。
⑧ at the weekend在周末
This line chart depicts the change in percentages of households that owned no car, one car and at least two cars in Great Britain during the 40 years spanning from 1961 to 2001.We can see clearly from the chart that over this period, the number of households with access to one car or more was increasing, compared with a significant reduction proportion of households without cars from 60 % to approximately 40 % .
【例】In the supermarket, the end of an aisle is usually used for promo-ting special offers. 超市过道的尽头常用来促销特价商品。
['breikθru:]n. 突破;重要的新发现
②Taking Tiger Mountain by Strategy is a good opera.
【例】He found a career entirely devoted to biography. 他找了一份从事传记创作的职业。
【例】There are some venomous snakes to beware of in this area. 该地区有毒蛇,要小心。