学英语要敢于开口。最近,我开始练习口语,才两三个星期的,同事见我说了一句“how are you?”就吃惊道“your English is excellent!”, 这真让我下不了台,我不他是在以花言巧语讨好我了。这里“以花言巧语讨好某人”可以用butter someone up来表示,我说了句
美国历史虽然不是很长很复杂,但美国20世纪60年代,作为一个特殊的动荡的年代,各种思想浪潮此起彼伏。大家可能都熟悉的马丁路德金博士的“I have a dream”。他领导了黑人要求平等权利的民权运动并为此献身。
例:I learn a lot from this book, not that book.
Hearing a number of interesting stories, we thoroughly enjoyed our visit.[√]
带有奥巴马头像的土耳其长衫出自设计师Guillermo Mariotto之手,是专为罗马加帝诺尼时装秀设计的。他在接受记者采访时说:“奥巴马当选总统时,我在时代广场,当时的感觉美妙极了,我简直有种飞的感觉。”
More than one student is…
首先排除D和E,因为没有but also和划线部分前面的not only相匹配。
例:Laura Ingalls Wilder published her first book and she was sixty-five years old then.
From that moment onward, politics and history became my passions. In school we had been taught that there was no society freer than the United States, but that was only part of the story. By reading about the political struggles of minorities, women, blue-collar workers, and others, I learned that freedom is not something you're given, it's something you have to fight for. And once you win it, you have to make sure no one tries to take it away again. I learned somuch from Mrs. Fletcher that day, and our conversation transformed me forever. I developed an awareness of the world around me, became less self-absorbed, and took a very important lesson from the past: progress begins with people who choose to stand up for what is right. It was like I'd had a rebirth after talking with Mrs. Fletcher, and that is why I agree with the idea that the most memorable days of our lives are those in which we learn something new about ourselves and experience an awakening.
D和E是either A or B的结构,那么A和B也是要平行的。在E中,either后面是名词,但or后面是介词词组,所以E也错误。