Before class begins, or before you sit down to study English sing a song in English to yourself. Make sure to use a song that you understand and know very well. This short and fun exercise will help your brain focus on the English language in a relaxing manner. It\'s important to be relaxed when you study English! Singing a song also helps activate the creative side of your brain which can help you come up with more examples as your practice conversation or do some creative writing.
is poorly organized and/or focused, or demonstrates serious problems with coherence or progression of ideas
By looking at the contrasting examples of Jewel and my sister, both with natural talent but only one with the matching will to succeed, you can see that motivation is the critical factor for success or expertise in a field. You can only really make full use of your talent if you have the will to succeed.
In the article,“XX” by XX, he makes an argument claiming that … Strategies of XX, XX and XXare employed to support his argument。
I feel that not enough is being done to protect the local animal life我觉得对当地野生动物的保护力度不够。
(D)in either music or literature
德国近代著名的自由主义政治思想家、教育家、外交家、比较语言学家和语言哲学家威廉冯洪堡(Wihelm von Humboldt,17671835),倡导“学术自由”和“教学与研究相统一”的精神。
Assignment: If you want to become an expert in a certain field, do you need to have more alent or more motivation? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken
By Muhammad Ali
Activate your vocabulary by thinking or speaking briefly about the subject you are about to work on. For example, if you are going to study English on topics that focuses on vacations, take a moment to think about your last vacation, what you did, what you enjoyed, etc. This simple exercise will help your brain warm-up to vocabulary that you are likely to encounter as you study English about this particular subject.