Will you please tell us the specifications, quantity and packing you want, so that we can work out the offer ASAP.
A:How about your date? 你的约会如何呀?
B:No good, she shot me down, and she said I smelled bad. 不好,她距我于千里之外,还说我有体臭。
【例】The contradiction manifested itself in the employment situation. 这个矛盾在就业形势中显示了出来。
Chinese is my mother tongue.
I am proficient in English.
I am professional in English.
I can speak fluent English.
fluency n. 流利
How many languages do you speak?
I can speak in three languages.
I’m a trilingual.
I’m a bilingual.
Canada is a bilingual country.
I can read and write in three languages.
How well do you know Chinese?
How well do you know English?
How long ... 多久
How many ... 多少
How well ... 程度如何
She speaks mandarin with a strong accent.
accent 口音
She is speaking English with a strong Japanese accent.
dialect 方言
local vernacular
Do you speak the local vernacular?
We must master the local vernacular.
mandarin Chinese 普通话
mandarin fish 鳜鱼 mandarin bird 鸳鸯
Cantonese 广东话 Hokkien 闽南话 Hakka 客家话
character 汉字 alphabetic 字母的
Pinyin plan 汉语拼音方案
Chinese phonetic alphabet
letter 字母 word 单词 phrase 词组
sentence 句子 paragraph 段落 text 正文
Everyone makes mistakes when they are learning to speak.
Speak it out. Don‘t be afraid to lose face.
As for me, reciting is essential to mastering a foreign language.
extension [kstenn] n. 延长(期限)(postponement);延伸(部分)(*supplement)
So you wanna put your order down now?
draw [dr] vt. 吸引(attract, entice)
【例】The peopling of the Pacific Islands has been described as the greatest feat of maritime colonization in human history. 太平洋岛屿上的人口定居被称为人类历史上海洋殖民最伟大的壮举。
congressional [knrenl] a. 代表大会的,会议的;国会的;最高立法机关的
custom [kstm] n. [常pl.]进口税(duties);海关
English is spoken by lots of people in the world. 世界上的许多人都说英语。
pathology [pθldi] n. 反常,变态(abnormality)
count [kant] v. 数,计算(calculate);算入;看作,认为 n. 计数,计算