【搭】physical attribute 物理特性;身体素质
【例】A: I read that the enrollment in the School of Business is on the rise!
ceremony [sermoni] n. 典礼,仪式;礼节
【派】subsequently(ad. 后来,随后)
【参】disrepute(n. 坏名声)
man should be able to complain to the court .\" he said.
When the restaurant owvner told the judgc everything. the
judge said , \"You are right. The student is guiltv. \" The reataurant
【搭】get stuck 坚持(某种想法或信念)不动摇
有手提行李没?Do you have a carry on?
请把行李放上来(传送带上)。Can you place your baggage up here?
He had flown to New York to attend a trade show.
【例】There are hordes of traders at the jumble sale today. 今天的旧货义卖会上有很多交易者。
【例】Evening wear isn't available in those shops. 这些商店不卖晚装。//I'll be available on Tuesday and Friday afternoons to discuss your papers with you. 我周四和周五下午有空和你讨论你的论文。
【例】Scientists support the theory of relativity with copious evidence. 科学家们用大量证据支持相对论。