【参】bacteria(n. 细菌);virus(n. 病毒)
devotion [dvon] n. 热爱;投入(passion);献身,奉献(dedication)
substantial [sbstnl] a. 实质的,真实的;坚固的,结实的;富裕的;可观的
venture [ventr] n. 冒险,投机(gamble) v. 冒险(risk)
【搭】dairy product 乳制品;dairy cattle 乳牛;dairy farming 乳品业
Sally:Well, our company has produced textiles for many years,and now we have fifty retail outlets nationwide. We enjoy a good reputation in the textile industry, and now our company has commanded 30% of domestic market.
paramount [prmant] a. 至上的,极为重要的(foremost)
【例】All the evidences have proved my appraisal to be correct. 所有的证据都表明我的评价是正确的。
We regret that the goods you inquire about are not available.
Do you have specific request for packing? Here are the samples of packing available now, you may have a look.
A speech will be given this afternoon. 今天下午有一个演讲。
mutual [mjutul] a. 相互的;共有的(joint, common)
bargain [brn] n. 廉价货;交易;契约,合同 v. 议价;成交
【例】The oceanic islands of the Pacific are some of the most isolated places on Earth. 太平洋上的海岛是地球上最与世隔绝的地方。//A folk culture is small, isolated and cohesive. 民俗文化的规模小,独一无二且有凝聚性。
【搭】graduation ceremony 毕业典礼
His being looked down upon made him sick.
I can\'t really stand being treated like that.
1) 有些动词的后面能跟动名词做宾语,有些动词能跟不定式,有些两者都可以, 它们的具体含义有时还不一样。
postcard [postkrd] n. 明信片
【例】The peopling of the Pacific Islands has been described as the greatest feat of maritime colonization in human history. 太平洋岛屿上的人口定居被称为人类历史上海洋殖民最伟大的壮举。
disseminate [dsemnet] v. 散布,传播(*spread)