【例】He doesn't know many composers of classical music. 他并不了解多少古典音乐的作曲家。//The director got a South African composer to write songs with a distinct African sound. 导演找了一位南非作曲家来创作带有独特非洲风格的歌曲。
【例】She must have been a temporary worker. 她肯定是个临时工。
【例】Harriet was an important forerunner to the realistic movement that became popular later in the 19th century. 哈里特是19世纪末流行的现实主义运动中的一位重要先驱者。
【例】Political parties in the United States help to coordinate the campaigns of their members that mark election years. 美国的政党帮助配合其候选人在选举年的竞选。
【例】What is the principle idea of the laisser faire policy? 自由放任政策的核心思想是什么?
【搭】celestial body 天体
【搭】deficiency symptom 营养缺乏症状
【搭】a manned spacecraft 载人宇宙飞船
【搭】Glacial episode 冰河时代
My bike was stolen. 我的自行车被偷了。
【派】alkaline(a. 含碱的,碱性的)
【派】proposal(n. 提案,建议)
syllable [slbl] n. 音节
【例】The government should give careful consideration to issues of food safety. 政府应该仔细考虑食品安全的问题。
flat [flt] a. 平(坦)的(smooth)n. 平地,平面
【例】If you can see the movie on television, why pay for it? 假如你能在电视上看电影,那为什么还要掏钱看呢?
inert [nrt] a. 惰性的(inactive)