1、专业的教师团队,掌握前沿的教学方法 2、教学经验丰富,善于激发学生的潜能 3、善于带动学员融入情景体验式课堂
C。彻底击败 论文,就是要证明自己的观点是对的,也就是说,要最大限度地不让反对者有机可乘。
【记】和lose(v. 失去)一起记
We are aware of the potential problems and have taken every precaution.
【例】Get the pizza with rony. [University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI]
It will have both negative and positive effects.
【例】Franklin's newspaper was especially significant because literacy was increasing at the time. 富兰克林的报纸特别重要,因为当时识字的人在增多。
C。彻底击败 论文,就是要证明自己的观点是对的,也就是说,要最大限度地不让反对者有机可乘。
unadorned [ndrnd] a. 未装饰的,朴实的(plain, unembellished)
Reading makes us wise, while exercises make us strong.
3. 重复
1) 如“现在是忘掉过去一切的时候了。现在是言归正传的时候了。现在是为未来而奋斗的时候了。”可以这样表达:
Now is the time to forget everything in the past. Now is the time to get down to business. Now is the time to work hard for the future.
(注:此句为句首重复,重复部分为句首的“now is the time to”。)
2) 如“我们渴望成功,而且正在为成功而努力工作。”可以这样表达:
We long for success and we are working hard for success.
(注:此句为句尾重复,重复的部分为句尾的“for success”。)
lord (n)
A scumbag or dirty person that everyone looks down upon. (It was derived from scumlord.)
【例】A: I think we should hold our committee meeting in one of the meeting rooms of the library. So far, there're 8 of us who plan to come.
【例】All the statues along the road seems perfectly designed for thegrand religious perception the local people often had there. 路旁所有的雕像似乎完全是为迎合当地人拥有的宏大宗教观念而设计的。
【参】customary(a. 合乎惯例的)
rod [rd] n. 杆,棒(bar)
Cricket reminds the English of this idyllic rural scene and leisurely pace of life .