●The sum of the digits is 11.
下面,附一部分OG范文 “Let There Be Dark”的修辞手法,供考生参考并自行取用。
另外,在举例结束后,作者把自己的thesis statement重复了一下,以加强该例子和中心论点之间的联系(Surely, this is a valuable thing to come from a horrible failure)。
As the saying goes in English: A picture is worth a thousand words. Help activate the creative side of your brain by trying to describe a photo or other image. You can combine use this also to activate your vocabulary by choosing a picture that has something to do with the subject your are going to study in English.
(E)and if he had better breath control
In my social studies class, we had an assignment to interview an older person about the changes he or she had witnessed in his or her lifetime. I decided to interview my neighbor, Mrs. Fletcher. Since she had never spoken to me much before, I figured she would have little to say and I could completethe assignment quickly. Instead she started telling me all about life in our town before the civil rights movement. I was astonished to learn that in the 1950s, black went to separate schools, rode at the backs of buses, and were prevented from living in white neighborhoods. As Mrs. Fletcher talked about how she and other African Americans helped break the color barrier by insisting on being served at white-only lunch counters, I became filled with shame at my own ignorance. How could I have been so unaware?
接着,作者用哥伦比亚航天飞机失事和越南战争的例子作为自己的thesis statement (As the examples of the recent Columbia shuttle disaster and the Vietnam War demonstrates, events that are not successful still have value)。
第二段,讲政客的时候,以美国前总统小布什在伊拉克战争问题上的出尔反尔为例。(For example, George. W. Bush have been saying he will end the war in the Middle East since 2003. Now, in 2008, the war is continuing raging fervently.