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(D)are increasingly in discussion in the media

第六节 比和比例

提示中问的是“Should heroes be defined as people who say what they think when we ourselves lack the courage to say it?”从我们中国考生的角度看这个问题有点拗口,








在给学生上阅读课或布置课后阅读作业时,教师只需讲解学生理解有困难的单词,其他生词的词义则可以引导学生通过对上下文的理解去猜测。例:Japanese students work very hard but many are unhappy. They feel heavy pressures from their parents. Most students are always told by their parents to study harder and better so that they call have a very wonderful life in the future.假定pressures是个生词,但学生联系上下文也不难推断出它的词义是“压力”。孤立的单词没有实际意义可言,只有把他们放在某个特定的语境中,才具有特定意义。把词汇与语境结合起来进行词汇教学,有助于学生正确区分词与词之间的差异并正确使用它们,还可帮助学生正确识别一些新生词,进而达到融会贯通。




俗话说:“温故而知新”(Practice makes best.)。对于那些重点的词汇,要提高他们的重现率和使用率。同时复习单词应避免过多的机械重复,要尽量设法增加一些新的信息,以激发学生的兴趣,达到温故而知新的目的。把旧单词放到新句型中使用,既开阔了学生的视野,又吸引了学生的注意力,如:学生首次接触单词light这个形容词时,可理解为“轻的”。如:This box is light.在学了:Please turn off light before you leave.后,在复习light时,可换一句话There are two lights in our classroom.这样学生知道lights还可以当名词“灯”讲,这样做要比单纯的读、写单词复习效果好。

总之,词汇教学在英语教学中起着举足轻重的作用,需要教师在实际教学中不断探索和反思,教师只有不断地学习、更新教学理念,积极大胆地借鉴、探索与尝试新颖、有效的教学方法,总结教学经验,改进与激活英语词汇教学, 激发学生的学习兴趣,调动学生的学习主动性,才能有效地帮助学生提高英语词汇能力。此外,教师在教给学生语言知识的同时,应注重培养学生多途径、多方位地掌握正确的词汇学习策略,有效地扩大词汇量,从而在实际语言交际中更加得心应手,只有这样才能真正提高单词的教学效率,从而增强词汇教学的效果,提高学生的英语听、说、读、写的能力。

Some comrades love to stir up trouble in their units.

例:Yesterday, John pained boxes at an average rate of 10 minutes per box. Ann painted boxes at an average rate of 15 minutes per box. If they both painted boxes at these respective rates for an hour, what is


这篇作文也反映了作者的语言使用技巧和遣词造句能力,如places a premium on success, dismiss failures, horrific failure等等。


Do you speak Chinese?

I can speak in English.

Chinese English French

Italian German Spanish

Portuguese Japanese Korean

Excuse me, do you speak English?

I am proficient in English, and I can speak a little German.


English language proficiency text 英语测试

I speak only a little English.

I can speak a little Chinese.

It‘s broken.

Well, sorry, I speak broken Enlgish.

Forgive my broken English.

My English still needs work.


How long have you been studying Spanish?


I have been studying English for two years.

I started to learn English since two years ago.

What is your mother tongue?


mother tongue

mother language

native language

I’m a Beijing native.

Beijing Native in New York

Shanghai Native in Tokyo.

Chinese is my native language.

Italian is her native language, but she speaks French fluently too.

(D)and if he develops better breath control

Gertrude, for example, responds to the death of her husband, the King, by remarrying shortly after his death. Rather than dwelling on her new role as widow and theaccompanying sorrow and misfortune that have fallen upon her, she chooses to react by quickly recovering and aligning herself with her former brother-in-law. Given her situation, this is a very intelligent and rational decision, for it provides her with the security of a strong marriage as well as a continued high status as queen, since Claudius has now ascended to the throne. Gertrude positively responds to a negative event rather than letting that event destroy her.


  结交英语笔友,写英文信.这种方法容易坚持,还很有意思.不妨一试,好处多多.方法就是方法,它最终无法取代刻苦的学习. 不行动,说什么也没用!

3分作文: Sometimes, things that are not successful still have some value. For example, the Columbia space shuttle was not successful but was valuable. The Columbia disaster it was really sad that the Columbia blew up and the astronauts died. I saw it on my TV and cried. They found pieces for days and days all over Texas. But it was valuable like that Challenger that blew up a long time ago because it makes us want to get it right. We want to fix it so it doesn't happen again and so regular people can go to space like that kid from N*Synch tried to do. And so we will keep going to space and getting satellites for satellite TV and spying and stuff. And so NASA and the President are going to go to Mars next. Something not successful can still have value because we will go to space even if theColumbia disaster happened. 【点评】 这是一篇让人哭笑不得的跑题作文,能拿3分也足以说明SAT作文给分还是很宽松的。

(句子内部可以多拐几个弯,而整个文章的观点要清楚,要么对比鲜明,要么干脆一边倒。如果你在文章各大段落使用太多的yet, however, but,反而会把考官弄糊涂了,不知道你到底转了几次弯,而直接把你的作文判死刑。)

  3.Whoever says that is wrong.无论谁说这话都不对。

  4.That he will come is certain.他肯定会来。

  5.Why he is late for class is more than I can tell.为什么他上课迟到,我也说不上来。

In the literary world, success is measured by the number of books sold. Authors who sell millions of books are valued morethan those who sell hundreds of books, so it appears that worth, in this case, is best judged by a writer's productivity. This scenario, however, is misleading, since one writer may produce a single work that becomes a best-seller in comparison to another writer who produces dozens of works each of which sell a limited number. Which writer truly has more worth? A specific example o illustrate this scenario is Bill Clinton compared to Judy Blume. Clinton recently published his memories, which will likely be very successful and become a best-seller. Blume, the author of many books for teenagers, probably hasn't and won't ever appear on the best-seller list. Is Clinton worth more because his name and political career make his book successful? Or is Blume worth more because her portrayals of teen life affect many meaningful criteria of judging worth.






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