['f:d]vt. 担负得起
A real find for our patients has been the shock-absorbing shoe insert. A cheap but very effective solution. (剑3 Test1 Section4后面缩写为:3-1-4)
仓央嘉措曾写下这样的词句:曾虑多情损梵行, 入山又恐别倾城 。对于很多中学生来说,也是一项 修为 与 意趣 不可得兼的苦旅。 这二者是否可以两全呢?能否在轻松有趣的学习中获得所需的能量呢?
【例】On the wall is the banner welcoming the Friends of Italian Opera. 墙上挂着
【例】It is pretty well agreed that apes and men come from a common ancestor. 人们普遍认为类人猿和人类有共同的祖先。
【例】Since you hate bureaucracy, you must learn to work with bureaucracy to save it from itself. 既然你们痛恨官僚主义,那你们就必须学会与官僚主义共事,只有这样才会将其克服。
How old is your son now? He is fifteen.你儿子多大年纪了? 他15岁了。
[kum]n. 梳子;蜂巢
For example, I used to love playing tennis, but these days I simply do not have the time. In addition, I used to swim often, as I believe it kept me fit without the danger of being injured。
Nearly 65 % of British families did not have a car of their own in 1961,about one third had only one car, and no families owned two or more cars。
【例】No one knows how much antiquity has been stolen or destroyed. 没人知道有
[k'nli]vt. 承认,确认;感谢