Look at John\'s toy! (快看约翰的玩具。)
It\'s a fire hazard. (那会引起火灾呀!)
It could catch on fire easily. (这很容易着火。)
It could cause a fire.
Anything could happen.
There\'s no knowing what may happen.
You never know. (任何事情很难预料的。)
Anything\'s possible.
It could happen to you. (对你来说都有。)
另外,在举例结束后,作者把自己的thesis statement重复了一下,以加强该例子和中心论点之间的联系(Surely, this is a valuable thing to come from a horrible failure)。
Chinese is my mother tongue.
I am proficient in English.
I am professional in English.
I can speak fluent English.
fluency n. 流利
How many languages do you speak?
I can speak in three languages.
I’m a trilingual.
I’m a bilingual.
Canada is a bilingual country.
I can read and write in three languages.
How well do you know Chinese?
How well do you know English?
How long ... 多久
How many ... 多少
How well ... 程度如何
She speaks mandarin with a strong accent.
accent 口音
She is speaking English with a strong Japanese accent.
dialect 方言
local vernacular
Do you speak the local vernacular?
We must master the local vernacular.
mandarin Chinese 普通话
mandarin fish 鳜鱼 mandarin bird 鸳鸯
Cantonese 广东话 Hokkien 闽南话 Hakka 客家话
character 汉字 alphabetic 字母的
Pinyin plan 汉语拼音方案
Chinese phonetic alphabet
letter 字母 word 单词 phrase 词组
sentence 句子 paragraph 段落 text 正文
Everyone makes mistakes when they are learning to speak.
Speak it out. Don‘t be afraid to lose face.
As for me, reciting is essential to mastering a foreign language.
比如说,第四篇范文“人们都希望听到真心回答吗”,使用的结构是:第一句话反对观点“Most people ... will say that ...”+“Is this really true?”+接下来提出自己的观点。
Some toolkits were unable to parse the Unicode byte order mark sent by othertoolkits.
在开始段,作者提出自己的观点,如果只有talent而没有motivation,要想获得成功是不可能的(To truly succeed, you need to have at least as much motivation as talent, because if you don't posses the desire to do something, your talent may simply wither from neglect)。接着,作者提到将要讲到的两个例子,一个是美国歌手Jewel的故事,一个是他妹妹的故事。作者在提到自己的观点前,也讲了一些“废话”来丰富第一段的内容。
比如,优先使用examine a case而不是the examination of a case,优先使用investigate something,而不是conduct an investigation of something,等等。
The list of students to be admitted has been published .
C不仅要把were改为was,同时,so前面不应该再加分号(分号的文法功能等同一个连词);另外,has been属于现在时态,和句子过去时态的大背景冲突。
E的问题是使用了has,同时else很多余,并且moderate amounts of intelligence的表达不够简洁。