4分作文: Some people would say that something that is not successful does not have any value. I would have to disagree with this statement. Sometimes, things that are not successful still have some value. For example, the Columbia space shuttle and the Vietnam War were not successful, but they had value. Thus, it is true that something not successful can still have value. For instance, the Columbia disaster. Columbia was destroyed in an accident when the shuttle tried to re-enter the atmosphere. This accident was a horrible failure and many people were very upset by it. The value, though, comes from the new way in which we now look at things. Because of Columbia, the space program now know what is wrong. Hopefully, they will change it. Vietnam is also an example of something not successful. We went to Vietnam in an attempt to get rid of communists. Thewar went on for a while, but we were not able to win. Many soldiers were killed and the public were very angry about the whole thing. Soon there were many protests across the country and college students especially became active against the war. By the time the war was ended the people were very upset with their country. These two examples show that something not successful can still have value. As we have seen, both Columbia and the Vietnam War were not successful. Yet, we got something of value out of them. 【点评】 开始段落把中心观点讲出来了,并且也有thesis statement。
在用词方面,第二段里使用了amicable、circumvent、pose(作者笔误,应该是imposed),第三段使用了eloquently、raging fervently、exacerbated the problem、futile。
C的问题是在形容词后不能加数字,即不能说She is tall 6 feet,而只能说She is 6 feet tall。
3. When someone picks up the phone, you will be using one of the greatest inventions of the modern age.
(D)he does not play an instrument nor has he ever seen it(E)It is without playing an instrument nor having seen it
作文的结尾叫Conclusion Paragraph。
(E)was swimming so slowly; so her coaches thought of it as
(A)but its limitations are still an aggravation
develops a point of view on the issue and demonstrates competent critical thinking, using adequate examples, reasons, and other evidence to support its position
(D)rests on reporting that is honest, being respectful of news sources, and requires balanced stories