1、专业的教师团队,掌握前沿的教学方法 2、教学经验丰富,善于激发学生的潜能 3、善于带动学员融入情景体验式课堂
(C)with either Europe or Asia
Dialogue 4
M: Dalian is a beautiful city. Do you agree?
W: I suppose I do.
M: The climate here is pleasant.
W: They use said it
M: This city is really comfortable to living.
W: It sure is
M: No other city can match it. It\'s heaven.
W: If you live in other as long enough you love them just as much.
M: Maybe.
W: That\'s for sure.
W:No, no.It\'s not fair to say I disapprove,disappointed perhaps.But anyway nothing I say is likely to make any differcene, is it? I mean you’ve major mind up already, havn’t you? It’s just that, well, I always thought that we’ll turn out differently. We always had particular way of lifedone certain things, movex into certain circle. No I don’t disapprove.
There is hope today because \"many developing countries have succeeded in lifting millions of people out of impoverishment and despair.
(D)was absent so often that I was afraid she might be
To me, being an expert means being successful, and achieving success requires lots of hard work, time, and practice. This is true regardless of what you pursue, from running to drawing, acting to skating, teaching to dancing. Yet expertise and success don't come from skill alone. To truly succeed, you need to have at least as much motivation as talent, because if you don't posses the desire to do something, your talent may simply wither from neglect, and people who prove this to be the case include Jewel and my sister.
(D)and digests easily as well
7.Since I\'m a sophomore, I can register between 2 and 4:30 p.m.on Tuesday, the 16th.
3. A