1、专业的教师团队,掌握前沿的教学方法 2、教学经验丰富,善于激发学生的潜能 3、善于带动学员融入情景体验式课堂
3. hoping I could mimic her performance,分词形式的动宾结构,放在句尾表补充说明;
(C)and it is aggravating in its limitations
The minority groups must be given the opportunity to advance, to seek justice, and to receive the kinds of special treatment that might compensate in part for historical inequities.在上面这个例句中,三个动词不定式平行,其中第二和第三个部分均没有省略to,是正确的。当然,如果把第二和第三个部分里的to省略掉也是对的,即to advance, seek justice and receive也是正确的。
2.little if anything, 或little or nothing替换hardly
Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and the assignment below.
仓央嘉措曾写下这样的词句:曾虑多情损梵行, 入山又恐别倾城 。对于很多中学生来说,也是一项 修为 与 意趣 不可得兼的苦旅。 这二者是否可以两全呢?能否在轻松有趣的学习中获得所需的能量呢?
Mobius, who favors white suits and bright ties, spoke by phone with fortune from his office in Singapore.
These include Happy by Pharrell Williams , the Village People\'s YMCA and Queen\'s Bohemian Rhapsody and We are the Champions.
Warming-up to Study English
从拳王阿里的引言中,我们看到比较倾向性的观点,阿里所说的“will”和“skill”,其实就是题目中所讲到的“motivation”和“taleent”。阿里的态度是“But the will must be stronger than the skill”(意志力必须强过技巧,才可能成为冠军)。那么,我们可以认定,选择motivation更安全。(当然,到底如何写,考生可以有不同的见解,只要说得合理就行。)
(B)rests on honest reporting, respect for news sources, and balanced stories
●Each digit is a different factor of 40.
-____ won the 100th gold at the Olympics for China?
-Zhang Yining she\'s from Beijing.
A. Who B. What C. When D. Where
-Who is this young man?
-This is Jim.
The debate about quality versus quantity occurs in a variety of settings: Is twenty pages better than ten for a term paper? Is an all-you-can-eat buffet preferable to a gourmet meal? Is a huge lawn more desirable than a small yard? As a society, we tend to value the quantity of productivity to determine how successful a person is. Focusing on the amount produced, however, is based on the false assumption that quantity by itself is an appropriate judge of worth. In fact, the quality of a product is far more important, as we can see by looking at examples from current events and literature.