alike [lak] a. 相同的,相似的(same, similar)
tow [to] v. /n. 拖,牵引(pull)
rustic [rstk] a. 用粗糙的木材制作的
【例】The decision, made by the board of directors, is the result of collective agreement. 董事会做出决定的结果是集体同意。
waste [west] v. 浪费,消耗 a. 无用的,废弃的;荒芜的 n. 浪费;废物
varnish [vrn] vt. 上清漆
【派】scholarly(a. 学术的,学术性的);scholarship(n. 奖学金)
【例】A: I hear you're really happy with your new car. I bet it's a lot better than the last one you got stuck with, the one you bought from Cathy.
pathology [pθldi] n. 反常,变态(abnormality)
catalyst [ktlst] n. 催化剂
B: Maybe you'd better check it with the company. They could be temporarily out of stock.
The failures and reverses which await menand one after another sadden the brow of youthadd a dignity to the prospect of human life, which no Arcadian success would do.
【例】Pairs of deaf people are able to converse freely over television. 成对的听障人士能够通过电视自由交谈。
【例】The short story showed what was kind and what was evil through the contrast between two brothers, one famous and one notorious. 这个短篇小说通过对比一个著名另一个臭名昭著的兄弟俩,显示出何为善恶。
fade [fed] v. 褪色;凋谢(wither);消失(*disappear from, vanish)