Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and the assignment below:
contains errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics so serious that meaning is somewhat obscured
6. To address their financial woes, the vintners decided to hold two tastings per year instead of one and they would increase ticket prices by fifty percent.
\"He\'s definitely a fashion icon. He\'s brand new, he\'s a black president, and he\'s so handsome.\"
We were talking about the Civil War and the abolition of slavery. I was well prepared, of course. I knew all about the Battle of Antietam and the Battle of Bentonville, I could find the battlefields on a map and tell you how many people had died. I raised my hand to give an answer and Mr. Blumgarden called on me. After I had answered, he asked me another question. But this was an unusual question. He asked me what I thoughtsoldiers on both sides thought about what they were fighting for. After that other people chimed in. And the class began to discuss the beliefs of both sides, the reason they went to war, and what might have happened if the other side had won. And I kept raising my hand, not to show how much I knew but, for once, because I was really interested.
E选项的问题在于用分号把so… that结构分开了。
Moreover, politicians rely solely on a positive image. By speaking eloquently about their hopeful and flowery proposals, politicians have developed a superb skill of publicity.
第三段,作者举了美国前总统克林顿和美国儿童小说作家Judy Blume的例子,但作者没有把他们两人的价值进行比较,这个比较留给了读者。
We were talking about the Civil War and the abolition of slavery. I was well prepared, of course. I knew all about the Battle of Antietam and the Battle of Bentonville, Icould find the battlefields on a map and tell you how many people had died. I raised my hand to give an answer and Mr. Blumgarden called on me.
本句是law student的responsibilities和medical student的responsibilities在作比较。
B:Nice to meet you,Tim. I have heard a lot about you.