The G- organization groups together the world\'s seven leading industrialized nations
B: I have lost count. But I can do it with my eyes closed.
《发现》 Discovery
【记】和daily(ad. 每天)一起记
【派】phenomenal(a. 显著的;现象的);phenomenon(n. 现象)
【例】The purpose of a poem need not inform the reader of anything, but rather to evoke feelings, to create a sensual pleasing experience. 诗不需要让读者了解什么,其目的应该是激发情感,产生感官上的愉悦体验。
overlook [ovrluk] vt. 俯瞰;忽略(disregard, neglect);检查(inspect)
log [l] n. 圆木;木材(timber, wood)
This was no novelty to us .
【例】Because of these contrasts, "popular" may be viewed as clearly different from "folk". 由于这些对比,“流行”被看成与“民俗”明显不同的词。//The passage is organized by contrasting the meanings of two related words. 这段话是通过对比两个相关字的意思而组织起来的。
【搭】wipe out 抹掉,擦去,除去;消灭,毁灭
【例】Nancy Ward, a Cherokee leader of the 1700's, became a legeendary figure in Tennessee folklore. 18世纪切诺基人的领袖南希沃德成为了田纳西民间故事中的传奇人物。
【例】As one proceeds toward the Southeast, broadleaf vegetation becomes dominant. 越往西南地区走,宽叶植被越多。
What about having a look at a sample first?
【例】The contradiction manifested itself in the employment situation. 这个矛盾在就业形势中显示了出来。