【例】At a depth of 5 atmospheres nitrogen causes symptoms resembbling alcohol intoxication. 在5个大气压的深度,氮会导致类似醉酒的症状。
axis [kss] n. 轴(shaft)
B: I'll be out of town then.
【例】The boundary lines between normality and pathology are often clearly delineated by medical science. 正常与反常的界限往往由医学来清楚地描述。
B: I want to clip a couple of articles first.
fare [fer] n. 费用(charge)v. 进展(evolve)
【例】The urban life seemed particularly intriguing to those raised in rural isolation. 都市生活似乎对在农村偏远地区长大的人来说特别吸引人。
【例】The researcher observed babies and their mothers in six diverse cultures. 研究人员观察了属于6个不同文化的婴儿及其母亲。
A: I heard you were thinking of applying for a job as a camp counselor.
【例】In the west only a small part of region has been surveyed because most of the lands are inaccessible. 在西部只有一小部分地区得到了勘察,因为多数地区人们难以到达。
【例】He is sympathetic and understanding. 他富有同情心,善解人意。
【搭】cuneiform script 楔形文字
stylistic [stalstk] a. 格式上的;体裁上的
【例】Although these bats sleep during the day, they do so curled up with their heads exposed to the sun. 虽然这些蝙蝠白天睡觉,它们依然会蜷起身体而将头暴露在阳光之下。
【例】The higher the clay content in a sample, the more refined and durable the shapes into which it can be molded. 样品中黏土含量越高,其所能塑成的形状就越精细和持久。