【摘 要】词汇教学是语言教学的重要组成部分,面对浩如烟海的英语词汇,学生常常苦于记忆单词效率低,遗忘速度快,许多英语成绩差的学生将词汇的学习与记忆比作“拦路虎”,以致谈“虎”色变,对英语学习缺乏信心。我认为,词汇教学在英语教学中有着举足轻重的地位,它贯穿整个英语教学的始终。词汇是语言的基础,离开了词汇,语言就没有了意义。
Oh no! Uh oh! (Thank you, Homer Simpson!)
分析:“be rounded to”是四舍五入的意思。本题是将1.783分别四舍五入到个位及十分位,然后计算差值2-1.8=0.2。
(C)Emily Dickinson's poetry, unlike many female poets who preceded her
He reminds of the world of its dark ancestry, shows the world its present, and points the way to its new birth
You ought to have been here yesterday.
ought not to have done 句型。表示一件不该做的事情却做了。
5. In a survey, 88 people were asked about two television programs, X and Y. Of the people surveyed, 56 watch program X, 42 watch program Y, and 10 watch neither program. How many of the people surveyed
● SAT作文的字数要求
make a fuss是“大惊小怪”的意思,make a fuss over sth.的意思是“对某事大惊小怪”。
3. Don and his six friends played two rounds of a board game, and each round yielded an integer score for each player. The two scores for each player were added together. The total scores for the seven players are 73,89,69,50,89,58,and Don's total score, which was the median of the seven scores. If Don's score in the first round was 25 points, what is one possible score Don could have earned in the second round?
句中come across被译为产生了好的。要使演讲产生好的,那么演讲者的观点被听众理解,词里含有“讲得很清楚,能被理解”的意思,即be understood。再例子:
(A)Michael Phelps will not only win seven gold swimming medals, but also many world records will be claimed
Many persons believe that to move up the ladder of success and achievement, they must forget the past, repress it, and relinquish it. But others have just the opposite view.
3. 关于比较结构中补助动词的问题