Mobius, who favors white suits and bright ties, spoke by phone with fortune from his office in Singapore.
booth 展位 hall 展厅 isle 通道
explosive n. 爆炸物,炸药
rigorously adv. 严格的,严厉的
frisk n. 搜身
姓 family name
年 year
名 First (Given) Name
月 month
性别 sex
偕行人数 accompanying number
男 male
职业 occupation
女 female
专业技术人员 professionals & technical
国籍 nationality
行政管理人员 legislators &administrators
国籍 country of citizenship
办事员 clerk
护照号 passport No.
商业人员 commerce
原住地 country of Origin
服务人员 service
前往目的地国 destination country
农民 farmer
登机城市 city where you boarded
工人 worker
签证签发地 city where visa was issued
其他 others
签发日期 date issue
无业 jobless
前往国家的住址 address while in
签名 signature
街道及门牌号 number and street
官方填写 official use only
城市及国家 city and state
出生日期 date of Birth
Perhaps it wasn\'t love at first sight, but it came mighty close, Keith and I were freshmen at the University of Georgia when we met.
情态动词在句中放在谓语动词之前, 谓语动词前若有助动词,则在助动词之前,疑问句中, 情态动词则在主语之前。
The number thirteen: 西方人13是不吉利的数字,西方大多数旅馆13号房,许多摩天大楼也13层。迷信与 基督教。在“最后的晚餐”(The Last Supper) 中,犹大第 13位入席的人,后来他背叛耶稣,13就被视为不祥之数。直到,人们仍13个人一起吃饭不吉利,某人会在年内死去。
owner waa delighted, but the poor student was vcry much . afraid. What could he
The air outside has a higher concentration rate than does the air inside the room.
It is not his fault. He did it for your benefit.
All the donations are for the benefit of the disabled children.
for fear of 以免,以防
Put on a coat for fdar of catching a cold.
The weather in London is so changable that people always bring their umbrella with them for fear of rain.
(C)like a medical student
I\'m not going to kid you.我不是跟你开玩笑的。
Karin:You quit the job? You are kidding. Jack: I\'m not going to kid you. I\'m serious.
One or two, in blue suits, might have been bank officials. Others were clearly working men.
两次经历中间,分水岭一样的“I learned from this experience, and promised myself I would not try to imitate another actress, in order to create my character.”使得文章脉络清楚,让人喜欢。