refreshing [rfrealt] a. 使人耳目一新的(*unusual);提神的
The machine was being repaired at this time yesterday. 昨天这时,机器正在被修理。
Sally:Please take your time and look around. You are welcome to visit our factory any time.
【派】grinder(n. 磨工)
【例】The hypothesis was substantiated soon afterward by the discovery. 这个假设很快被这个发现证实了。
centennial [sentenil] n. 百年纪念(a 100th anniversary or its celebration)
【例】Compared to lunar space suits, Martian space suits will require smaller air tanks; and to allow for freer movement; the elbow and knee areas of the space suits will also be altered. 与登月太空服相比,火星太空服所需的气罐更小,穿着活动更加自由,其肘部和膝部也将有所改变。
I thought thousands of people would be helped. 我认为将有数千人得到帮助。
【例】These experiments were designed to detect consciousness. 这些实验用来探测意识。
【例】Dr. White enforces strict deadlines on lab work. 怀特博士对实验室的工作执行着严格的期限。
其实,只要我们动点脑筋,许多单词就能很容易被记住,关键是我们记单词的方法能否给大脑的记忆中枢以有效的、合理的刺激,如果我们能做到这一点,我们就可以告别传统的死记硬背的英语单词模式,从而使得背单词不再成为中耗时费力,令人痛恨不已的一件苦差事,终实现在谈笑之间就让一个个英语单词扎根在我们的记忆当中,并且能够做到 记而不忘 。下面举例说明:
a.不可思议的分解为we+ird,ird就是没有头的bird(少了开头的字母b),联想一个情景:一觉醒来我们变成了无头的小鸟,这的确是个不可思议的事情啊 ^_^ 。
【例】I know many of you are already at the forefront of the work place technology. 我知道你们很多人已经处于车间技术的前沿领先水平。
budget [bdt] n. 预算
B: Well, I have to know a little bit about your friend first. It's hard for me to say otherwise.
您需要在起飞前20分钟登机,到时候请您去C2登机口登机。They will start boarding 20 minutes before the departure time. You should report to gate C2 by then。
flint [flnt] n. 燧石,打火石