ojangle (v)
But the truth is because of their echolocation.
【例】Our firm has a set of standards which adhere to international requirements. 我们公司拥有一套符合国际要求的标准。
2)有时that和those指前面讲到过的事物,this 和these则是指下面将要讲到的事物.
When we see something beautiful such as a flower garden, that garden serves as a reflection. In order to see the beauty in front of us, we must be able to see the beauty inside of ourselves. When we love someone, it’s a reflection of loving ourselves. When we love someone, it’s a reflection of loving ourselves. We have often heard things like “I love how I am when I’m with that person.” That simply translates into “I’m able to love me when I love that other person.” Oftentimes, when we meet someone new, we feel as though we “click”. Sometimes it’s as if we’ve known each other for a long time. That feeling can come from sharing similarities.
8.get out of one’s rut ?脱离不愉快的状况或无趣的例行公事
['blu:print]n. 蓝图,方案
【例】In the supermarket, the end of an aisle is usually used for promo-ting special offers. 超市过道的尽头常用来促销特价商品。
【例】The first chart shows the reasons why adults decide to study. 第一张图表显示了成年人打算学习的原因。
1. We have to do it ourselves.
2. Does Mary have to study hard at English?
3. He had to get up early last Sunday.
4. You don’t have to worry about your lessons.
5. Peter was very tired and he had to sit down and have a rest.
j) Homework
1. Read the dialogue and try to make a new one.
2. Make sentences using “have to”.
3. Do exercises on page 79.
古今名人总结的读书方法很多。我最欣赏的是欧阳修的“读书三上法”和董遇的“读书三余法”。所谓“三上”就是指马上,枕上,厕上;所谓“三余”,是指“冬者,岁之余也;夜者,日之余也;雨者,月之余也”。这两种方法劝告人们读书要善于利用零星时间,做到时时可读书,处处能读书,使读书完全生活化。想想看,假如我们能用“三上法”和“三余法”来学外语,还能学不好吗? “三上法”中的马上(on the horse),是指在行进中也不忘读书。我们也可以做到无论走着站着都想英语、学英语、用英语。如:看到一则公益广告“吸烟有害健康”,你就可以在心里把它译成“Smoking will do you harm.”;走在路上看到两个人正在交谈,你就可以用英语问自己:“What are they talking about ?”;在街上碰到两个小孩在踢足球,你就会想:“Two boys are playing football in the street.”枕上(in the sleep),就是你在睡觉时,也可以用英语想:“What have I done today ?”,“How many new words have I learned?”厕上(in the rest room),也就是上厕所也不忘学英语。这时,你可以想,英语中,“厕所”一词有几种表达法?于是你就想到以下几种表达法:①toilet;②rest room;③WC:men\"s room,women\"s room;④lavatory;⑤wash- room等等。所谓“三余”概括起来就是如何利用一切零星时间来读书。我们学外语如果能把一切可以利用的零星时间都利用起来,同样可以学到很多东西。具体做法就是,把要记的短语和句子抄在小纸条上,随身携带,利用茶余饭后、等人、等车、散步等零星时间来记,反复默念或朗读。纸条的内容可以多种多样。
['blkni]n. 阳台;楼座