['sistnt]n. 助理
接着从“The state of Texas…water sources”通过一个细节举例 (德克萨斯州的人们正在饱受缺水之苦)来作进一步说明。
The state of Texas in the United States of America is suffering a shortage of water with the Rio Grande falling to reach the Gulf of Mexico for the first time in 50 years in the spring of 2000, pitting region against region as they vie for water sources. With many parts of the globe running dry through drought and increased water consumption, there is now talk of water being the new oil.
[kfi'tiri]n. 自助餐馆
When Samuel Morse established the first commercial telegraph, in 1844, hedramatically changed our expectations about the pace of life.
【例】We need someone who can anticipate and respond to changes in the fashion industry. 我们需要一个能预见时装业变化并能做出相应安排的人。
cau 小心caution(n. 谨慎)
This line chart depicts the change in percentages of households that owned no car, one car and at least two cars in Great Britain during the 40 years spanning from 1961 to 2001.We can see clearly from the chart that over this period, the number of households with access to one car or more was increasing, compared with a significant reduction proportion of households without cars from 60 % to approximately 40 % .
Then, you can do something as a kid in a friendship and it’s either cute or brushed off.
【例】He made an impassioned speech on behalf of his country. 他代表他的国家发表了热情洋溢的演说。
【例】The Human Genome Project is the most ambitious scientific project since the Apollo programme, which landed a man on the moon. 人类基因工程是继阿波罗登月计划后最具雄心的科学项目。