1、专业的教师团队,掌握前沿的教学方法 2、教学经验丰富,善于激发学生的潜能 3、善于带动学员融入情景体验式课堂
shining like a beacon miles away. 这束光直射夜空,像几英里外的灯塔一般闪闪发亮。
When we see something beautiful such as a flower garden, that garden serves as a reflection. In order to see the beauty in front of us, we must be able to see the beauty inside of ourselves. When we love someone, it’s a reflection of loving ourselves. When we love someone, it’s a reflection of loving ourselves. We have often heard things like “I love how I am when I’m with that person.” That simply translates into “I’m able to love me when I love that other person.” Oftentimes, when we meet someone new, we feel as though we “click”. Sometimes it’s as if we’ve known each other for a long time. That feeling can come from sharing similarities.
Owing to the quickening pace of life, competition goes increasingly fierce in all walks of life, stimulating everyone to pursue one goal after another.
【常春藤联盟】常春藤(Ivy League)一词通常是指美国东部八所高学术,历史悠久的大学:哈佛(Harvard)成立于1636年,耶鲁(Yale)成立于1701年,宾夕法尼亚大学(University of Pennsylvania)成立于1740年,普林斯顿(Princeton)成立于1746年,哥伦比亚(Columbia)成立于1754年,布朗 (Brown)成立于1764年,达特茅斯(Dartmouth)成立于1769年,和康乃尔(Cornell)成立于1865年。这八所大学公认的一流大学,它们的历史悠久,治学严谨,教授高,学生质量好,常春藤大学又时常高级名校的代名词。
Money; dollars. [Montgomery College, Germantown, MD]
【例】The Aeronautics Building is on the left side of the university campus. 这所大学的航空学大楼位于校园的左侧。
火热的夏季,生机勃勃的季节,骄阳似火,心情有时也那么阳光,但你是否会偶尔热到感觉慵懒和疲惫呢?火热的太阳烤的你快蒸发了?那就用音乐来清凉一夏吧 ... [查看详细]
7.scratch the surface ?约略带过
We know what the endangered animals are like.
Improvements in technology mean that many illnesses that used to be fatal can now be treated safely and cheaply.
['lait]vi. 落下;a. 点着的
■ Plus Plus:
【例】All ceilings will require double-thickness plaster board to be used in the construction. 在建造过程中,所有的天花板都需要使用双层厚的石灰板。