【例】The oceanic islands of the Pacific are some of the most isolated places on Earth. 太平洋上的海岛是地球上最与世隔绝的地方。//A folk culture is small, isolated and cohesive. 民俗文化的规模小,独一无二且有凝聚性。
honest [nst] a. 诚实的;正直的(uprright);老实的
B: Yes, they'd be in the sportswear department at the back of the store.
【例】The nerve cells exhibit to a great degree the phenomena of conductivity. 神经细胞在很大程度上展示出传导性的现象。
【例】Could you please give me a tow? 你能拉我一把吗?
marked [mrkt] a. 显著的(*noticeable, pronounced)
【例】I know many of you are already at the forefront of the work place technology. 我知道你们很多人已经处于车间技术的前沿领先水平。
【搭】freeze over (水池、湖等)结冰;freeze up (机器、引擎中的水)结冰(使机器无法工作)
【例】A: What is that you are listening to? The beat's so strong that I can't concentrate on my work.
【例】The carpet cushioned the fall of the vase. 地毯缓冲了花瓶的坠落。
【例】Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。
【例】People who're dieting need a variety of foods to assure a constant supply of nutrients their bodies need. 节食的人需要各种食物,以确保身体所需的营养能得到持续供应。//She assured him that the chapter was finished. 她向他保证这一章写完了。
glacial [lel] a. 冰期的;冰河时代的
【派】ornamental(a. 装饰性的,装饰用的)
【例】Pairs of deaf people are able to converse freely over television. 成对的听障人士能够通过电视自由交谈。