1、专业的教师团队,掌握前沿的教学方法 2、教学经验丰富,善于激发学生的潜能 3、善于带动学员融入情景体验式课堂
密切注意听力材料中的让步与转折以便把握说话人的.关注词: even though, even so, in spite of, unless, although, no matter, however, whatever, no, nor, neither…nor, but….
62. That's neat. 这很好。
Used to degrade someone further after you have already degraded them physically or verbally.
144. Who's kicking off? 现在是谁在开球?
14. So long. 再见。
B: Feel free to call me York. This is a name easy to remember as it never fails to remind people of the names of a state and a city in the United Statesthe New York State and the New York City. Actually it was given by my first English teacher in middle school and it is my personal favorite English name and I have used it since then.
E. Pay close attention to CONCESSION and TRANSITION so as to correctly understand the attitudes of the speakers.
45. Don't move! 不许动!
A preliminary study of the harassment of college freshmen
2. Slow down!
What do you do to keep yourself healthy? Please include reasons and details in your explanation.
15. What’s your plan in China?
B:Janice。this is James,our manager assistant. James,this is Janice.
密切注意听力材料中的让步与转折以便把握说话人的.关注词: even though, even so, in spite of, unless, although, no matter, however, whatever, no, nor, neither…nor, but….