5 Good to know you. 幸会。
219. Those are watermelons. 那些是西瓜。
A: Welcome to our trade show.
Weather reports were coming in from the landing site at the Kennedy SpaceCenter, in Florida.
5. What do you take charge of?
We described clearly the ways the endangered animals live.
失重和时尚, v3蓝牙耳机,是从犯美丽的目的.
Your device cannot send or receive Bluetooth beams automatically.
foolio (n)
A joker, loser, or weirdo.
【例】That foolio over there is giving you the eye?
【例】What\'s that foolio all about? [UCLA, Westwood, CA, 1998]
c....are hunted for their wool.
Cricket reminds the English of this idyllic rural scene and leisurely pace of life .
发展生产expand production
Session VI: When Things Go Wrong(不顺之时)
1. Lemon=something defective
A: Have you seen Joanne\'s new car yet?
B: Yeah. It looks good, but she\'s had nothing but problems with it.
A: That\'s too bad. It sounds like she got a real lemon.
B: She sure did! No sooner did she drive it home from the dealer\'s than it proved defective and started breaking down.
2. Get Up on the Wrong Side of the Bed=wake up in a bad mood
A: What\'s the matter with Bernard today? He started shouting from the moment he stepped into the office.
B: I don\'t know. He usually doesn\'t act that way at all. I guess he got up on the wrong side of the bed.
A: Just because he woke up in a bad mood is no reason for him to be so cross and to go around shouting at everybody.
B: Hopefully he\'ll relax as the day goes on.
A: Amen!
3. Get the Ax=be dismissed, fired
A: I feel sorry for Richard. He was feeling quite depressed when I ran into him.
B: Did he tell you what was bothering him?
A: Among other things, he informed me that he got the ax at work.
B: That\'s strange. He\'s always been a conscientious worker. I wonder why they dismissed him from his job?
A: Evidently he had a disagreement on company policies with one of the top executives.
4. In the Hole=in debt
中国人说债台高垒,美国人说掉进债窟。In the hole 表示欠债.