New lords, new laws.
[字面意思] 新主人,新规矩。
[解释] 将军令。
No news is good news.
[字面意思] 没消息好消息。
[解释] 这是一句劝别人不要着急,要耐心消息的等待的话。
【例】Aristotle considered an object downward or upward motion to be the result of dominant nature of the object. 亚里士多德认为,物体的上下运动是由物体本身所具有的支配性所产生的结果。
【例】Some of sizable ice crystals adhere to each other to create a cluster of ice crystals or a snowflake. 一些大小相当的冰晶体粘附在一起,形成一簇冰晶体或一片雪花。
【例】Curses come home to roost. 诅咒他人,应验自身。
I think I learn more from people rather than media.
The disaster suddenly came to the city. The strong earthquake destroyed the houses and killed people\'s lives.
【例】All produce should be washed carefully before consumption. 所有的农产品在食用之前都应该仔细清洗。
【派】improvisation(n. 即席创作;即兴作品)
B: Every so often I do.
adhere [dhr] vi. 黏附(*stick);坚持(cling)
【例】Harriet was an important forerunner to the realistic movement that became popular later in the 19th century. 哈里特是19世纪末流行的现实主义运动中的一位重要先驱者。
【搭】compare with 与…比较,对照;
【例】The temple located in the city is the largest surviving sacrificial temple in the world. 这座都市里的庙宇是世界上现存最大的祭祀庙宇。
讲到 idiot-proof 字很有意思, 在美语中大家常常可以听到字后面再加上 proof 来表示「」的意思, 例如手表上面都会写 water-proof, 指水跑不进来, 也防水的意思. 不过我个人的经验, 人会把字的意思理解成正好相反, 例如有一次有人问我, 为报纸的标题写如何充满危机的婚姻? 结果我拿来一看, 原来报上写的是, \"How to get a crisis-proof marriage.\" 其实它的意思应该是, 「如何危机的婚姻」 才对. idiot-proof 指的是白痴的, 而有白痴的, 大家不要搞反了.
Some people believe that students who want to go to university after graduation from high school should have about one year's time to get a job to obtain work experience or have a travel to enlarge their vision.