1、专业的教师团队,掌握前沿的教学方法 2、教学经验丰富,善于激发学生的潜能 3、善于带动学员融入情景体验式课堂
Some ... (the type that the author does not approve )
The play was Neil Simon's "Rumors," and would get the opportunity to play "Chris," a sarcastic yet witty role, which would be my final performance in high school. In order to develop my character, I planned out her life just as I thought it should be, gave her the voice I thought was right, and the rest of her character unfolded beautifully from there. My director told me after the first show that "Rumors" was the best work he'd ever seen from me, and that he was amazed at how I'd
从句意上看,是“为了应付财务困难,酒商决定做A和B两件事情”,属于decide to do A and to do B结构。所以,A和B要平行。
(E)a speed as
I\'ve had a number of guitars from Greg and the latest was sent to me lastNovember, which is a great instrument.
(A)either Gwen or Christine
例:In the decimal representation of 1/k, where 0<1/k<1, the tenths digit is 1, the hundredths digit is 3, and at least one other digit is nonzero.
is free of most errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics
(2)We sat down on the park bench and watched the people as they passed.
在开始段,作者提出自己的观点,如果只有talent而没有motivation,要想获得成功是不可能的(To truly succeed, you need to have at least as much motivation as talent, because if you don't posses the desire to do something, your talent may simply wither from neglect)。接着,作者提到将要讲到的两个例子,一个是美国歌手Jewel的故事,一个是他妹妹的故事。作者在提到自己的观点前,也讲了一些“废话”来丰富第一段的内容。
(C)Emily Dickinson's poetry, unlike many female poets who preceded her
(E)created or to profit