The goal of the Vietnam War was to prevent Communism from taking hold in that country. Many at the time believed that if Vietnam became Communist, so too would the rest of the region. When we left, the country fell to the Communist party. However, advancements in military training came out of the conflict. We learned the value of "special forces" and developed new tactics to fight in environments where tanks were less efficient than air strikes. These lessons better prepared us for modern warfare.
contains an accumulation of errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics
接下来可以继续发挥下,大致写成Example A中的某人或某事没有成功,但他们得到了什么样的教训,从而为什么样的成功打下了基础等等。
(A)he does not play an instrument and has never attended a musical
Just as there are exercises to help you warm up before you play some basketball or other sport, there are exercises which can help you warm up to study English. Here are some simple exercises to help you warm up.
例:When 1.783 is rounded to the nearest whole number, the result is how much greater than when 1.783 is rounded to the nearest tenth?
Background server receives data from the car terminal module processes thesedata. Different ways will be called to transmit to the monitoring center in accordance with the different order types.
经济增长仍然与贫困、社会公正和资源保护等问题紧密相连。Economic growth is still bound to the issues of poverty, social justice and conservation.我觉得对当地野生动物的保护力度不够。I feel that not enough is being done to protect the local animal life现在,她所关注的问题已在新的环境保护法案中得以表达。Her concern has now found expression in the new environmental protection act.整个城市都被纳入了保护令的保护范围。The entire city is under a preservation order.农民所受的保护几乎变成了对乡村的偏袒。The protection that farmers have enjoyed amounts to a bias in favour of the countryside你应该对你通常不需要写入内容的磁盘进行写保护。You should write-protect all disks that you do not usually need to write to.无论在圈养场还是在野外,动物园在动物保护方面都承担了主要的工作。The zoo is doing major conservation work, both in captivity and in the field.如果他们对我实行保护性拘留,可能对我是件好事。They might be doing me a good turn if they took me into protective custody.