1、专业的教师团队,掌握前沿的训练方法 2、教学经验丰富,善于激发学生的潜能 3、善于带动学员融入情景体验式课堂
A: Hi Barbara. Have you lost weight(你是瘦了吗)?
B: Hi Julie. Yeah. I\'ve been on a diet(节食) for a couple of months now.
A: Wow. You look great.
B: Thanks for noticing.
A: What type of diet were you on?
B: I joined a health club and my trainer(教练) gave me tips on eating. With a combination(结合) of eating better and exercising, I managed to lose 15 pounds in 2 months.
A: That\'s amazing. What tips did your trainer give you?
B: Mostly on how to exercise, but the best advice I got was changing my eating habits(饮食习惯). Instead of eating 3 times a day, she told me to eat 5 times a day.
A: That doesn\'t make sense(讲得通;合情理的). If you eat more, than how do you lose weight?
B: Actually, I\'m eating the same amount. I eat 5 smaller meals a day. Basically, it naturally speeds up the metabolism(新陈代谢) and helps to burn fat at a faster rate.
A: That makes sense. I\'m going to try that.
B: You don\'t need to lose weight.
A:I feel I have put on several kilograms recently.我感觉我近体重又增加了好几公斤。
Some people don\'t mind being fat. In some countries a round stomach is nothing to beashamed of. There is a West African saying:\"Laugh and grow fat.\" Other people can keep slim without any effort. But a lot of people do put on ,too much weight and don\'t like it. The question is, What do they do about it?Some people put their faith in exercise. But the trouble with exercise is that it only works up an appetite. Others believe in slim pills and special clothes that make you sweat. It would be nice if they worked, but they don\'t.The only reliable solution is dieting. But what sort of diet? There are the extremists who believe in a dramatic, thorough-going attack on their waistline by eating nothing. There is another theory that if you eat things like hard boiled eggs,apples with their skins on, and lean meat which are hard to digest, that the more you eat, the thinner you get. This is because you use up the fat in your body to get the energy to digest the food. For most of us these methods are too extreme or too eccentric. The simplest system is just to cut down on the carbohydrates or, if possible, to cut them right out.
2 平坐于地面上,弯曲左脚,使左脚掌紧贴于右大腿内侧,右脚向后伸直;挺直背部,右脚向上提起小腿,脚尖绷直;用右手反手勾住右脚背,左手向上伸直;还原之后,再换另一方向做。注意感受腰背、大腿、手臂的拉伸感。
两脚岔开一大步,脚尖各指向斜上方;这时候身体重心慢慢向左移动,同时举起手臂,身体慢慢往左沉下去,身体直冲前方,左腿呈弓步状态直至膝盖处呈现90°角。整个动作维持15秒,感觉大腿 前侧酸痛时一定要保持住,保持深呼吸。左右各重复8次。
1 T外形:从甲士状姿势起头,把手放在臀部上,上身直着向前倾,抬起左脚,根究平衡,然后上身完全向前,提起左腿直到身段和左腿平行。充分伸展左腿,从臀部到脚趾。连结臀部划定礼貌,脸朝向地板。双臂在身段两侧伸直,手心朝里面,连结5次呼吸的时刻。若是这个行动对你来说难度太年夜,你在最初的时刻可以把腿架在一把椅子上。