1、专业的教师团队,掌握前沿的教学方法 2、教学经验丰富,善于激发学生的潜能 3、善于带动学员融入情景体验式课堂
composer [kmpozr] n. 作曲家
pay [pe] v. 支付,付出;给予(注意);值得;进行(访问等) n. 工资,薪金
【例】One distinctive feature of Moore's sculpture is his use of holes or opening to emphasize that he is indeed working in a three dimensional medium. 摩尔的雕塑作品有一个鲜明的特色,那确是他使用洞口来强调他是在一个三维的环境中进行创作的。
annoyed [nd] a. 生气的(angry)
《每日邮报》 The Daily Mail:
【例】Aristotle considered an object downward or upward motion to be the result of dominant nature of the object. 亚里士多德认为,物体的上下运动是由物体本身所具有的支配性所产生的结果。
【例】Composers often write the
tile [tal] v. 铺瓦于 n. 瓦,瓦片
authority [θrti] n. 权威人士;权力(power);当局
【参】exception(n. 例外)
有手提行李没?Do you have a carry on?
请把行李放上来(传送带上)。Can you place your baggage up here?
He must be a doctor, isn\'t he?
You must have studied English for three years, haven\'t you? / didn\'t you?
overcharge [ovrtrd] v. 讨价过高,索价过高;使过量装填;渲染,夸张 n. 过高的要价;过重的负担;超载
comprehend [kmprhend] v. 理解,领会(understand, grasp)
【例】These rough places on the wall could be plastered over. 可以在墙面的这些粗糙之处抹上灰泥。
sheer [r] a. 陡峭的(steep);绝对的(absolute)
compare [kmper] v. 比较,相比,对比;比作