Dear Mr .Block,
We are pleased to inform you that our company have marketed a new product .As we know, snazzy products have a good market opportunity now.our new product is a kind of snazzy products. Besides the quality of our products is the other strength.I think you have to acknowledge that this two will be more competitive and appeal to many customers.If you would like to take the matter further, please let us know.
(D)x+y=30 0.1x+0.25y=6
第四节 分数和小数
14. Observers of democratic elections have said that their role is at once thrilling because of its importance but its limitations are still an aggravation.
Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and the assignment below.
我们从作文要求来看,这个例子可以是从your reading, studies, experience or observations中得到的,就是说凡是你能想到的都可以用来作为例子支持你的论点。
这篇作文也反映了作者的语言使用技巧和遣词造句能力,如places a premium on success, dismiss failures, horrific failure等等。
Student:How do I find out when I\'m supposed to register?
本句的核心问题是要在music or literature前补上介词in,即something is more pronounced in A than in B,如果没有这个in,就变成主语movement和music or literature在作比较了。我们说过,为了使比较对象之间具有可比性,SAT倾向于随时重复介词。
分析:“n times as… as”表示第二个as前是后的n倍。根据这一用法,band members是orchestra members的3倍,orchestra members是jazz choir members的2倍,所以band members是jazz choir members的6倍。
(D)creating of an independent treasury, establishing lower tariffs, and the purchase of
这些词相对比较大了,属于big words ,但在句子中使用得恰到好处,所以并没有炫耀词汇量之嫌。这也证明了,用词不在于大小,关键是用在句子里是否恰当。
1966年移居到纽约后,她日渐投入到社会的变化中去(Rich moved with her family, which then included three sons, to New York City and became increasingly involved in the sociopolitical activism of the day)。
Traditionally the term "heroism" has been applied to those who have braved physical danger to defend a cause or to protect others. But one of the most feared dangers people face is that of disapproval by their family, peers, or community. Sometimes acting courageously requires someone to speak out at the risk of such rejection. We should consider those who do so true heroes.