1、专业的教师团队,掌握前沿的教学方法 2、教学经验丰富,善于激发学生的潜能 3、善于带动学员融入情景体验式课堂
Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and the assignment below:
(E)A comparison over time of the population of China and America shows that the population of China is
As the saying goes in English: A picture is worth a thousand words. Help activate the creative side of your brain by trying to describe a photo or other image. You can combine use this also to activate your vocabulary by choosing a picture that has something to do with the subject your are going to study in English.
(E)and needless words should be omitted
Adapted from Sara Lawrence-Lightfoot, I've Known Rivers: Lives of Loss and Liberation
一般而言,当两个主语部分做比较时,SAT倾向于在第二个主语后加上助动词。例外情况是第一个主语后没有宾语,如:I run more quickly than you.在此句中,只能是I和you作比较,不会产生歧义。试看下列例句中补助动词的用法:
先介绍个结构:at once A and B = both A and B
Our products are prime quality.
Our new product is elegant and practical.
This type of our product is very popular in domestic market.
(A)the creation of an independent treasury, establishing lower tariffs, and purchasing
In the literary world, success is measured by the number of books sold. Authors who sell millions of books are valued morethan those who sell hundreds of books, so it appears that worth, in this case, is best judged by a writer's productivity. This scenario, however, is misleading, since one writer may produce a single work that becomes a best-seller in comparison to another writer who produces dozens of works each of which sell a limited number. Which writer truly has more worth? A specific example o illustrate this scenario is Bill Clinton compared to Judy Blume. Clinton recently published his memories, which will likely be very successful and become a best-seller. Blume, the author of many books for teenagers, probably hasn't and won't ever appear on the best-seller list. Is Clinton worth more because his name and political career make his book successful? Or is Blume worth more because her portrayals of teen life affect many meaningful criteria of judging worth.
例:Each student in a group of 30 students studies Italian, Spanish, or both.The total number of students studying Italian is three more than the total number of students studying Spanish.If the number of stud
A:Janice,I\'d like you to meet Tim,the office director.