1、专业的教师团队,掌握前沿的教学方法 2、教学经验丰富,善于激发学生的潜能 3、善于带动学员融入情景体验式课堂
When we see something beautiful such as a flower garden, that garden serves as a reflection. In order to see the beauty in front of us, we must be able to see the beauty inside of ourselves. When we love someone, it’s a reflection of loving ourselves. When we love someone, it’s a reflection of loving ourselves. We have often heard things like “I love how I am when I’m with that person.” That simply translates into “I’m able to love me when I love that other person.” Oftentimes, when we meet someone new, we feel as though we “click”. Sometimes it’s as if we’ve known each other for a long time. That feeling can come from sharing similarities.
1) this和these用来指在或空间上较近的事物或人,that和those
【例】What brand of cola do you like? 你喜欢喝什么牌子的可乐?
③Today everybody is in high spiritsand no one is in low ebb.
【例】No one knows how much antiquity has been stolen or destroyed. 没人知道有
['bbl]n. 气泡;水泡;v. 沸腾;潺潺的流
I myself washed the clothes.(=I washed the clothes myself.)(作主语同位语)
【例】Some architects advocated the use of masonry in the construction of skyscrapers. 一些建筑师提倡采用石工技术建造摩天大楼。
【例】He now has a new commission to design a glass sculpture for the headquarters of a pizza company. 他现在有新的委托事务,为一 家比萨公司的总部大楼设计一件玻璃雕塑。
apt 适应adapt(vt. 使适合)
Why did the doctor take his temperature twice?
4. three times a day
【例】The belief that rain and murky weather make people more unhappy is borne out by a study in Belgium. 人们相信雨天和阴沉的天气会让人更加忧郁,这种想法已被比利时的一项研究证实。
dario: what is your favorite drink brian?
brian: that\'s a tough question dario! it\'s hard to answer that.
Since the Supreme Court ruling in nineteen eighty, more conservative justices have been appointed to the Court. Professor Laycock says some conservative activists believe this new, more conservative Court might be willing to once again permit the Ten Commandments to be displayed in public schools.