【例】He pointed his telescope to every acc
【例】The personnel director administers the attendance policy. 人事经理负责考勤。
【例】The plans for improving the financial system have only reached the blueprint stage so far. 改善金融体系的计划目前尚处于筹划阶段。
【例】Harold was the first chancellor of our university. 哈罗德是我们大学的第一任校长。
What\'s up?
【例】Sports Studies as a discipline is still comparatively new. 体育研究作为一门学科还是相当新的。
Our teacher is coming to see us.
['plains]n. 用具,器具
【例】There is a sports hall for squash, badminton, volleyball and several other indoor sports in my university. 我所在的大学有一个体育馆,在里面可以打壁球、羽毛球、排球,还可以做其他室内运动。
The next 20 years. however, saw a significant increase in car ownership. In 1981. 15% of British families owned two or more cars while the percentage of families with one car reached a peak of 50%. During the same period, the percentage of households with no cars decreased sharply to approximately 35 %.
When we see something beautiful such as a flower garden, that garden serves as a reflection. In order to see the beauty in front of us, we must be able to see the beauty inside of ourselves. When we love someone, it’s a reflection of loving ourselves. When we love someone, it’s a reflection of loving ourselves. We have often heard things like “I love how I am when I’m with that person.” That simply translates into “I’m able to love me when I love that other person.” Oftentimes, when we meet someone new, we feel as though we “click”. Sometimes it’s as if we’ve known each other for a long time. That feeling can come from sharing similarities.
[t:t]n. 图,图表