1、专业的教师团队,掌握前沿的教学方法 2、教学经验丰富,善于激发学生的潜能 3、善于带动学员融入情景体验式课堂
Pupils recovering from milk poisoning.
101. It sounds great!. 听起来很不错。
■ Plus Plus:
As the cream of the columbia freshman crop
8. I just sent you a request. Please accept.
Unfortunately, Peter had to sell his neighborhood hardware store. Because of competition from the bigger stores in the shopping center, he was going in the hole every month. His store was small and did not generate enough income to meet expenses. As a consequence, he was rapidly losing money and going into debt.
5. Face the Music=accept the consequences
面对事实, 后果。
A: It\'s no wonder you have a stomachache. I told you not to eat so many green apples. You don\'t listen, and now you\'re going to have to face the music.
B: The trouble with me is that I can\'t stop with just one or two, especially when they\'re so tart. I\'ll admit that I tend to forget that eventually I\'m going to have the accept the consequences for what I\'ve done.
A: I sure hope it was worth it.
6. blow it=fail at something
A: How did you do on the history exam?
B: I think I blew it! There was a section on the Civil War, and that\'s the chapter in the book that I studied the least.
A: Well, at this point you can\'t really be sure that you completely failed the examination. You must have done okay on the rest of the test.
B: Perhaps I didn\'t fail the entire exam, but I\'m sure that I didn\'t do well.
7. On the Line=in danger of being lost
Lately Tom\'s been more conscientious about the accuracy and quality of his work with the company. He was warned that his job was on the line because of his lack of concern for his duties. When Tom was alerted that he was in danger of losing his job, he began to take his obligations with the company more seriously.
e.g. My schedule is flexible next week.
在大学期间,由于课程需要做了无数的演讲, 再到多伦多上班不厌其烦地被老板们虐,给老板们做presentation,总结出演讲是你提高口语的最佳练习方法, 没有之一。因为演讲大都是在高压下进行,即便是已经组织好的语言在这种环境下也容易散架,所以高压下记住的东西基本上是忘不了的。你可以仔细想一下,是不是曾经的一个面对很多人的演讲(无论年代多么久远)你至今都记忆犹新。 通过英语演讲来练习,小到可以真正练出高水平的口语,不仅局限在平时交流打招呼社交,对面试,开会等正式场合都很有用,大到对你个人领导力,感召力的提升。对你来说没有小伙伴练习,没有外教对话,没有机会演讲。。。这一切都没关系,你或许只需要好的演讲材料,再加上一面镜子,就可以让口语高歌猛进。
114. I'll try my best. 我尽力而为。
What is language for? Some people seem to think it is for practicing grammar rules and learning lists of words--the longer the words the better. That’s wrong. Language is for the exchange of ideas, for communication.
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