【派】stringed(a. 有弦的)
participant [prtspnt] n. 参与者,参赛者
【例】Some oyster beds have vanished entirely. 一些牡蛎养殖场彻底消失了。
homogeneous [homdinis] a. 同类的,同质的(*uniform)
对于体育话题的总结和练习,短期可能是为了取得良好的考试成绩,长期来说则是为了在国内或者国外更好的融入英语语言国家的社会生活, 结交更多朋友,进而体会更多国外文化。
The classroom is cleaned by the students every day. 学生们每天都打扫教室。
【例】In a small community, behavioral norms are more likely being homogeneous than in a large city. 在小社区,行为规范可能比大都市更加统一。
Absence without leave ; ditching;play hooky
For example, it is not considered dishonorable to quit a job, even if you have had it for only a short time
2,第二:in the second place/ secondly and equal importantly/ to continue/ second/ secondly
B: Well, I could visit some friends in Florida, or go to my roommate's home. It's a tough choice.
The new world was filled with wonders .
The moon does not heed the barking of dogs. (=Does the moon care for the barking of a dog?)
motto [mto] n. 座右铭,箴言,格言(proverb)
【例】A: This is the second time this month that my boss's asked me to work extra hours. I am glad to get a bigger paycheck, but I just don't want her to give me such a heavy schedule.
【例】Eatable mushroom, a kind of fungi, has a high value of nutrition and is good for our health. 可食用的蘑菇是一种真菌,具有很高的营养价值,有益健康。
其实,只要我们动点脑筋,许多单词就能很容易被记住,关键是我们记单词的方法能否给大脑的记忆中枢以有效的、合理的刺激,如果我们能做到这一点,我们就可以告别传统的死记硬背的英语单词模式,从而使得背单词不再成为中耗时费力,令人痛恨不已的一件苦差事,终实现在谈笑之间就让一个个英语单词扎根在我们的记忆当中,并且能够做到 记而不忘 。下面举例说明:
a.不可思议的分解为we+ird,ird就是没有头的bird(少了开头的字母b),联想一个情景:一觉醒来我们变成了无头的小鸟,这的确是个不可思议的事情啊 ^_^ 。