You ought to bring the child here.
ought + to have done 句型。指过去动作,表示一件事情该做而未做。
LH: Larry, 这间公寓简直太理想了。两个卧室,一个大厨房,后面居然还有个小院子。我看就是它吧!
LL: Yeah, I know. And best of all, the second bedroom will be a great place for me to keep my collection of Chia pets.
LH: 你心里只有你那些草头娃娃!不过话说过来了,这是你办公室附近的一家高档公寓楼,你也没有别的选择。
LL: Shhh! Don\'t let the landlord hear that I don\'t have any other options. I don\'t want to tip my hand when we negotiate over the price.
LH: Tip? 难道租房子还要给房东小费吗?
LL: No no, tip my hand. When you tip your hand, it means that you give someone else secret information.
LH: 我明白了,tip your hand是露底牌的意思。你是怕房东知道你没有其它选择,在租金上就会狮子大开口。所以你不愿意tip your hand,让他知道你的底细。
LL: Exactly. You can remember it by thinking about playing cards. If you tip your hand forward so that other people can see your cards, you give the other players an advantage.
LH: 对啊,打牌的时候一定要拿好自己的牌,让别人看见了你的牌,还能不输?哦,怪不得我老输。一定是你偷看我的牌。
LL: Say, what are you going to get me for a house-warming present? Maybe that new Barack Obama Chia pet that just came out?
LH: 你别想套我的话,暖房的礼物要给你个惊喜,我绝对不会提前tip my hand.
LL: Fair enough.But just in case you were wondering what I want, I\'ll tip my hand a little bit and tell you that I love Chia pets, and I also love Barack Obama. 更多信息请访问:
LH: 我就知道你看中了新上市的奥巴马草头娃娃。说正经的,这公寓的问题就是租金太贵。你老板最近会给你涨工资吗?
LL: Well I asked my boss for a big raise last week, but so far she hasn\'t said whether she will accept my offer. I bet if I threaten to quit she will be forced to tip her hand.
LH: 你可千万要三思而行。你要是真丢了饭碗,就别想住进这样的“豪华”公寓了!
zero hour是源于第一次世界大战的军事用语,用以指发起进攻等军事行动的准确时刻,后被用来指重要决定或变化到来的时刻。
3有关保护英语怎么说的例句2:So, what can women do to protect themselves from heart disease?那么,女性怎样做才能使自己不得心脏病呢?Many manufacturers have policies to protect themselves against blackmailers.许多厂家都购买了保险,以防遭到敲诈。A long thin wool coat and a purple headscarf protected her against the wind一件薄薄的羊毛长外套和一条紫色的头巾为她挡了风。The government is committed to protecting the interests of tenants.政府承诺保护租户们的利益。The regulations are made to protect women\'s and children\'s rights and interests.制定这个规定是为了保护妇女儿童的权益。Britain\'s concern to protect national sovereignty is far from new.英国对捍卫国家主权的关切早已不是什么新鲜事了。We had to take action to protect the proprietary technology.我们必须采取措施保护专利技术。You must wear goggles and a mask that will protect you against the fumes为了免受烟雾危害,你必须戴上护目镜和面罩。
6.Who are going to attend the meeting have been decided by the manager.哪些人去参加会议,已由经理做出了决定。
(E)and aggravating because of its limitations
What\'s Your Major?你主修什么?
1. Education can't take the place of brains. To repeat what others have said requires education, to challenge it requires brains.