【派】financially(ad. 财政上,金融上)
【例】They are a rare breed. 它们是稀有品种。//I prefer my meat rare. 我的肉要半熟的。
Talking about being pretty, our company’s new secretary is indeed a lulu.
3.两面派 two-faced
【例】One distinctive feature of Moore's sculpture is his use of holes or opening to emphasize that he is indeed working in a three dimensional medium. 摩尔的雕塑作品有一个鲜明的特色,那确是他使用洞口来强调他是在一个三维的环境中进行创作的。
distinguish [dstaltw] v. 区别,辨别(*discriminate, differentiate);出名
A new semester, a new learning task, a new teacher. My teacher, I can live up to your hope, I will study hard! With the best result repay you!
【例】The murderer finally surrendered to the police. 凶犯最终向警方投降。
locate [loket] vt. 使坐落于(situate);找出,定位(orient)
你有小一号的吗?Do you have smaller one?
我可以试穿吗? Can I try this on?
换衣间在哪? Where is the fitting room?
能给我看看另一件吗?Could you show me another one?
我能看一下这个包吗? Could you show me this bag?
我想退掉它。I’d like to return this
能换个新的吗? Could you change it for a new one?
我要3个这样的。I’d like three same as this.
太贵啦。It’s too expensive for me
我能买它免税吗?Can I buy it tax-free?
是不是帐单有错误。Is there a mistake in this bill?
我能得到些折扣吗?Can I get a little discount?
你们接受旅行支票吗?Do you accept traveler’s checks?
angiosperm [ndosprm] n. 被子植物
credential [krdenl] n. 证明书(certificate),文凭(diploma),资格(qualification)
heading [hedalt] n. 标题
oyster [str] n. 牡蛎,蚝
clog [kl] vt. 障碍,阻塞(congest, jam)