1、专业的教师团队,掌握前沿的教学方法 2、教学经验丰富,善于激发学生的潜能 3、善于带动学员融入情景体验式课堂
We are pleased to inform you that our company have marketed a new product .As we know, snazzy products have a good market opportunity now.our new product is a kind of snazzy products. Besides the quality of our products is the other strength.I think you have to acknowledge that this two will be more competitive and appeal to many customers.If you would like to take the matter further, please let us know.
Will: Very 12)elegant.
Dolly: Isn’t it 13)divine?
Will: You’re not 14)kidding about this?
Dolly: Will, have I ever lied to you?
Will: No, it’s wonderful, really wonderful work. Do you speak?
intriguing [ntrialt] a. 引起兴趣(或好奇心)的,吸引人的(*fascinating, *attractive)
canal [knl] n. 运河
I have given the matter much thought, examining all the possible alternatives
【例】The fireplace had pivoting metal rods to hang pots. 壁炉有绕轴旋转的金属棒来悬挂锅。
【搭】solar radiation 太阳辐射;radiation therapy 放射疗法
compel [kmpel] v. 驱使(drive)
rustic [rstk] a. 用粗糙的木材制作的
genetic [dnetk] a. 基因的,遗传(学)的
They said they had been invited to the party. 他们说已经被邀请参加晚会了。
simply [smpli] ad. 简单地(clearly);简直;只不过(little more than)
【搭】space shuttle(往返于地球和太空站之间运载人和物资的)航天飞机